Active Communities for Development Alternatives

„Building Bridges for Europe“

Platform AGORA and "Angel Kanchev" University of Ruse are the Bulgarian partners in the project „Building Bridges for Europe“, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, KA2 - Strategic partnerships. Project Coodrinator is the Institute for Virtual and Real Learning in the Area of Adult Education at the University of Ulm, Germany (https://ileu.net/ ). The partner organizations from Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria are members of the educational networks Danube-Networkers, the international association DANET e.V., the FEDERUNI Network of Italian Universities of the Third Age. The duration of the project is 24 months, sratring October 2017.

The project’s objective is the creation of an online Method-Toolbox which can be used in European education programs and actions in the context of adult and especially older adult education. Central task is the development of criteria for the analysis of projects and methods with the focus on good practices in the areas of fostering critical thinking, European consciousness and solidarity and the reduction of prejudices. The Method-Toolbox should help to improve and extend the supply of high quality learning opportunities tailored to the needs of different target groups and individual learners. Collected will be methods of learning and transnational European cooperation, which will then be analyzed and adapted for work with the target groups of this project, especially older people, women, people with low education, and for learning settings in general adult education in Europe. Taken into consideration will be various learning arrangements, target groups and differences in work conditions, culture, languages, as well as the educational and social framework of the respective countries and the applicability of the methods in the respective countries.

During the project implementation four transnational partner meetings are to be held as follows: Russe (Bulgaria), Roggenburg (Germany), Zagreb (Croatia) and Mola di Bari (Italy). In the meantime, three work groups with representatives of all partner organizations work in collaboration on the content of the various aspects of collecting methods and projects to be included in the online Method-Toolbox.